Pilates and the Celebrities - who they are and why they do it
How do celebrities so short on time stay in awesome shape ?
So ... It's no secret that pilates does wonders for the body.
And that pilates is becoming increasingly popular. Especially with the celebs.
Why Pilates?
Well its quite simple really … Pilates is perfect for people who are constantly on the move, who have little time and people who are health conscious.
We all know that celeb lifestyles are hectic as we have all seen on the media and the flying around and running from set to set or interview to interview can have its toll on the body as well.
So for the health conscious celeb who has a hot body image to maintain, that is low in time to get to the gym and bust our some weights, pilates is a great go to requiring little if any equipment.
For the hectic lifestyle person pilates also provides a great place to centre the thoughts and get there head in the right place so that they can perform and stay mentally with the edge.
10 celebrities that do Pilates - and their reasons why
Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga uses pilates to help with her fibromyalgia - image credit at bottom of page
Lady Gaga is one of the many sufferers of the debilitating condition fibromyalgia ... this is a condition that attacks the nerve endings and joints and can cause serious pain, confusion and a burning sensation in the skin (nasty I know). Some estimates suggest nearly 1 in 20 people may be affected by fibromyalgia to some degree.
People suffering from fibromyalgia often fear that their pain will worsen with exercise. Research, however, has suggested that if the exercise is performed correctly, low impact aerobic exercise can increase their current pain threshold.
Pilates is therefore a great option for those who suffer with fibromyalgia.
To help stay in shape and manage her hectic lifestyle Lady Gaga performs a mixture of personal training sessions and pilates workouts with her trainer and has thanked her trainer for being her health rock. Gaga oo lala!
Naomi Campbell
Naomi has been at the forefront of the model and business industry for what seems a lifetime. This British power house credits her pilates training for helping to maintain her superstar model body and is a fan of reformer training in pilates. Campbell told W Magazine, on her love for Pilates:
"I don't lift weights. I like working with the resistance of my own body weight."
Karlie Kloss
Another super model who gives thanks to pilates for helping to keep her in super modelesque shape. Karlie mixes her training regime up, a regular poster on Instagram - but the one thing she practices regularly, is Pilates - and more specifically reformer Pilates.
Emma Roberts
Emma has been a fan of pilates for some time and loves how pilates can help her to stay energised and mentally focused from her training. She is quoted as saying:
"I love Pilates. I feel very energized and centered when I walk out the door afterward," Emma says. "I tried to get into running, but it didn't work for me. Pilates is something you take your time at, and it makes me feel very clear."
Out of all her workout routines and training - Pilates is her favourite and she said that she could see her shape transform within a couple of sessions.
David Beckham

David Beckham does an hour of Pilates a day - image credit at bottom of page
Now! Unless you have been on mars you should know exactly who the buzz superstar, football legend and national treasure the Beckhams are! Well David Beckham has added an hour a day of pilates to his routine and states that he feels the best he has felt in years from using pilates daily.
He first started pilates whilst on loan at Italian club AC Milan where they insisted that ALL of their players had to take up pilates. This was to help them with their balance and suppleness. This introduction to pilates has helped reduce his body fat dramatically. When been asked about his pilates:
“I do an hour of Pilates a day. It is fantastic and fitness-wise I am the best I have been for a long time”. And adds: “I am in the best shape in years”.
So if it's good enough for Becks, it's good enough for us 🙂
Jennifer Aniston
This super lady sought out a pilates instructor after having a pinched nerve in her back that was causing her all kinds of issues with her back and hips, and she feels that pilates completely helped solve the injury and now practices pilates and claims to be a “pilates person”.
Madonna, the singing super legend who is still in phenomenal shape for her age !!! Madonna uses pilates in a split training routine among other types of exercise to keep her in great shape!
Kate Winslet
Kate, the titanic super star actress has claimed that she maintains her stunning curves by practicing at least 20 minutes of pilates daily !!! She is quoted as saying:
"I don't go to the gym because I don't have time, but I do Pilates workout DVDs for 20 minutes or more every day at home."
So even the busiest of ladies can squeeze in a pilates session every day - a fact that we are fully aware of with our weekly classes 🙂
Reece Witherspoon
Reese is not only a super actress but also a busy super mum. She is regularly seen coming to and from the pilates studio in LA and has commented on how pilates has helped to keep her young at heart and young in body.
Robert Downey Jr
One of the celebs leading the way in getting people off their butts and into pilates yoga and other methods of keeping fit …… keep up the good work iron man .
Final Note
So we've covered just a handful of celebrities that use pilates in their hectic life to help with a range of goals - fitness, injury relief, general well being. Believe us when we tell you that there are many many more!
You don't, however, have to be a superstar to start pilates. We run three pilates classes during the week and have a wide range of women who attend for all sorts of reasons - why not join them and see why the celebs and our members enjoy pilates so much.
Media Credits
We have used some celebrity images in this article - and acknowledge all of the respected copyrights. We have tried to use images that are in the public domain and that have the correct copyright usage attributed to them. Below is a link to the original images.